Future of the Saudi Arabian Defense Industry

Future of the Saudi Arabian Defense Industry- Market Attractiveness, Competitive Landscape and Forecasts to 2018 阅读材料—-一份关于萨特阿拉伯国家军事的分析报道  collected by hanns This report is the result of SDI’s extensive market and company research covering the Saudi Arabian defense industry, and provides detailed analysis of both historic and forecast defense industry values including key growth stimulators, analysis of the leading companies in the industry, and key news. Summary Why was the report written? The Future of the Saudi Arabian Defense Industry ... ...Read More>>


中钨在线主网站www.chinatungsten.com  及其他语言版本、不同的版式如news.chinatungsten.com 等访问量骤降!估计全世界的人们都在欢度五一假期,少有的几百个IP估计来自于和我一样的工作狂们! 有访问的IP来分析,主要来自于美国、台湾和英法等国的人们对于我们的钨铜制品(copper-tungsten)、钨加热子(tungsten heater)、电子枪用钨灯丝(tungsten filament for electron beam gun)、钨合金戒指(tungsten carbide ring)等网页感兴趣,而主要钨制品的搜索大部分来自于谷歌。 祝全世界... ...Read More>>


今天的气温比昨天低了10多度吧!风很大,夹杂着稀稀拉拉的雨滴,让人觉得初夏尚有阵阵的寒意! 一个晚上几乎通宵的加班,起来已是大天亮了,看看邮件,有人抱怨传真发不过来,有人抱怨电话无人接听,真不清楚有多少人五一并没有假期,但是看到意大利客户来信说放假一天!但是tang说工厂五一放假,没办法及时交货,看来硬质合金密封圈又要推迟交货了!尽管这不是我们的风格,也违反了我们的原则,可是劳动节,还能说什么! 但愿不要推... ...Read More>>


时钟过了十二点,就是五一劳动节了!在这样的节日里加班,真正体现了这个节日的意义!实际上对于很多人,节日和工作日的区别只在于工作时的心情,看看园区昨天还有很多人加班!就知道大家都活得挺累的! 可能很多公司是外贸业务的,也可能很多公司是服务外包的,更有些像真爱网一样的服务型企业,越是放假可能事儿越多!而我则属于习惯性上班的人!就像一个上没有窝的鸟儿一样,不断地每日早早爬起来,寻觅小虫儿~~~~~ Hanns   ... ...Read More>>


五一加班,为了筹建公司的智库,或者称之为虚拟图书馆,一直在网络上查找各种资料,每每找到有关网站和资料就像发现了金矿一样的兴奋,但是长时间地敲击鼠标,手指变得麻木酸疼!眼睛时不时犯困! 我很理解一句话,也很欣赏这样的一句话,并且一直作为自己笨鸟先飞的动力: 可怕的不是别人比我们聪明,而是比我们聪明的人比我们更努力! 一句话,与大家共勉! —–Hanns ... ...Read More>>

3 Days 5.1 Holidays – Chinatungsten Online

As all companies in China, we have 3-days Holiday for  1st May, the days of labors. The holidays from 29th, April to 1st May, 2013. Hope our girls and guys have a nice holiday. Today, Ms Tang and Li come back office for answering some email from our clients which send us some inquiring about tungsten carbide.  Ms Tang have prepared a contract to our India customer when I come to our office afternoon. Thx 4 your hard working, Tang! — Hanns ... ...Read More>>

Chinatungsten Online—A Big Warm Family

Just before I getting off my work this evening, I learned that one of my ITD colleagues—Xiao Guo had resigned for private reasons this week. Haven’t communicated a lot with him, I have the impression that he’s a funny guy who likes playing jokes on others. He smiles often, for which I believed he was an easy-going type, so sometimes I asked him for advices on work, such as the package of tungsten products. Chinatungsten Online is just like a big warm family, we co-operate with each other and have fun together, so his resignment brings us some kind of upset, I shook hands wi... ...Read More>>

Having Exercise During Inspection of Tungsten Products

Well, I have been “trapped” in the inspection-room for another whole day. I’m not complaining about the tiredness or anything else, instead, what makes me confused is how could the products be increasingly larger and heavier? I have inspected products of several types, ranging from tungsten needle to tungsten carbide rod, all of which are well-processed and shiny. If I am not mistaken, the heaviest tungsten products I have inspected is two tungsten carbide rods of nearly 6.5kg respectively. Having tested all these tungsten products, I would pack them up, then what if I become... ...Read More>>

Tungsten Carbide Pins, What Pretty!

I have to confess that the tungsten carbide pins I tested today are the most lovely tungsten products I’ve ever seen. They are quite tiny and delicate. Shaped in small columns, tungsten carbide pins are formed by fine gray tungsten carbide powder that can be pressed and formed into shapes for use in industrial machinery, tools, abrasives,as well as jewelry. It’s really hard to imagine its application in jewelry, but in fact, tungsten carbide products are indeed increasingly popular in jewelries, such as tungsten carbide bands and rings, and one of the most important reasons is that... ...Read More>>

Modifying Mini-websites of Chinatungsten Online Has Never Been Easy

It is never to late to learn. Recently, I have been learning to edit web-pages, as an English-major student, honestly it’s not an easy task for me, I’m totally a green-hand in this field. Another point, you know what, Chinatungsten Online has webpages more than 500 thousand, including NEWS and CTIA pages, even though we are modifying just some of them, it’s still a large project. Today, because of my carelessness, I made several mistakes, which degraded the efficiency and increased the workload of Miss. Tang, to whom I felt sorry. ... ...Read More>>