我希望 你的眼里中有星辰大海 而不是 漫漫尘埃 我希望 你一直笑靥如花 美成一幅画 我希望 你能敞开心扉 不管对与错、是与非 我希望 你能知道我迫切的希望 我希望 我迫切的希望不再只是希望 ... ...Read More>>
Monthly Archives: 九月 2019
冰轮三五又中秋,闺阁暗香吉语求。月饼团圆新买得,拈骰夺取状元筹。—— 王步蟾 记2019年中钨在线中秋博饼 [caption id="attachment_8252" align="alignnone" width="710"] 小轮博饼,状元带七[/caption] [caption id="attachment_8253" align="alignnone" width="710"] 大论博饼,五子带四[/caption] ... ...Read More>>
Work Diary of China Tungsten Online-7
As usual, we had a regular meeting on the Monday morning. At the meeting, we looked back on the last week’s work, plan the work of this work and discuss the latest international and domestic news with each other. Dr. Hanns gave me some valuable suggestions on the work, which encourages me to do better in the following days. In the face of our work, no matter how difficult or complex it may be, we are supposed to complete it in time. During this process, we cannot regard the unfinished work as have-to-do stuffs. Instead, we should view it as a test of our ability and a challenge of ourselves.... ...Read More>>