去年的这个时候听同事说公司的睡莲开了,很激动的过去看,结果看到的却是睡着的睡莲。因为,看到同事手机拍回来的照片感觉很美,没看到有点遗憾!早上来上班的时候去了趟公司的健身房,居然被我看到了绽开的睡莲,很美! 睡莲,(拉丁学名:Nymphaea tetragona Georgi),又称子午莲、水芹花,是毛茛目睡莲科植物。多年生水生草本;根状茎肥厚。叶二型:浮水叶圆形或卵形,基部具弯缺,心形或箭形,常无出水叶;沉水叶薄膜质,脆弱。花大形... ...Read More>>
Monthly Archives: 六月 2014
早上4点多就起床了,真是超级无敌的困哪~其实,并不是我睡醒了才起床,而是很不情愿的被孩子闹醒的。从昨天开始,他就可以自如的翻身,所以只要一躺着就自觉的翻过去,整个人趴着,头跟脚往上翘,那一幕真的让人觉得特好笑。可是,这个进步却让他半夜一醒来就翻身趴着,趴着趴着就越来越清醒干脆不睡觉了~最主要是他不睡觉还要我陪着不能睡,哎,那真是种折磨呀!虽是折磨,但是,孩子的每个进步都会让父母觉得特棒,特开心!还好中... ...Read More>>
Training of Tungsten Knowledge
The June is named the ‘Reading Month’ for all our Chinatungsteners, and you see, after the sharing activity of everyone’s book report, we had Mr. Xu coming to strengthen our professional knowledge about tungsten heavy alloy and tungsten carbide last week. [caption id="attachment_1590" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Tungsten Production Process[/caption] Mr. Xu had devoted all of his career life to the production of tungsten carbide and tungsten alloy products. He has retired now, but even he is 70 years old, he still had a good memory, at least of what he had accumulated dur... ...Read More>>
本月7、8两天周末的上午,公司请了原来南昌硬质合金厂,并长期出任厦门金鹭合金技术厂长的许工为同事们将两个上午的关于钨合金、硬质合金生产的粉末冶金技术知识,作为本公司所有人员的的专业基础知识,大家都很认真努力!感谢同事们利用周末来参加培训,感谢许工毫无保留的教授!希望大家有所收获,希望对我们的平时工作有所裨益! ... ...Read More>>
Chinatungsten’s Days for Reading
Here comes Chinatungsten’s Days for Reading recently. Every year in May, all Chinatungsteners should pick up a book to fully throw themselves into it, and then share with others of what you get and aquire from reading. Maybe it is an essay in the newspaper, a movie touched you or the book about Powder Metallurgy, well, it couldn’t be better if you choose the book which help you fulfilling your knowledge about our tungsten and molybdenum products, but anyway, it’s OK only if you can learn something, for the mosting important significance of this activity is that, LIVE AND LEAR... ...Read More>>
端午节 粽子节
5月最后一天,买了竹子叶、圆颗粒的糯米、猪肉。。。我们办公室本身就有两个高压锅,万事俱备,李姐和美女唐是包粽子高手,于是乎大家上班他们就忙活,中午的时候粽子香就飘在整个办公区,加上卖废品的钱订的水煮鱼。。。很好的一顿端午大餐啊! ... ...Read More>>