How to Protect Yourself from Novel Coronavirus?

How to Protect Yourself from Novel Coronavirus? I’d like to start by telling you about my life of self-segregation in 21 days. During this period, I went out to buy vegetables for a few times. I am healthy. I work at home. And I stay at home by myself. And I cook dinner for myself. I began telecommuting half months ago. Working at home is a dream for most people. I’m one of them. But it “come true” in a different way – the novel coronavirus break in China. I feel so sad, to this crisis. I was scared at the beginning. So, I was talking to my family and friends through WeChat or ph... ...Read More>>


受新型冠状病毒疫情影响,整个假期便发生了巨大改变,不同与往年。 春节之时,绝大部分的人都在忙着抢口罩和消毒液,而且不敢像往年一样频繁去探亲等。我也不例外,整天就宅在家里增肥、降低视力等。 疫情,导致大多数人出现精神恍惚,只要身体一出现不适,我们脑子里便会呈现出各种各样的画面…… 武汉加油!中国加油!人类加油! ... ...Read More>>


2月份的第一关键词应该就是“新冠”了。 当每睡一觉起来,假期又往后顺延了几日,就预示着新冠肺炎疫情更严重了╭(╯^╰)╮ 不禁有些开始怀念上班的日子。 顺便感慨一句,为国家做贡献的日子真的不容易。 “宅”也是一门技术活,一不小心就容易发晕、长草(˘•灬•˘) 所以,响应“科学防疫 有序复工”的号召,我们开工了! 当然,只是部分… 而且,老实巴交的,相当于换个地方隔离。 不过总归,有事情做啦~还是做不完的那种ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)... ...Read More>>