Winter is the most wonderful time of years, but being cold takes all the fun out of it! Whether you live in colder or warmer city, one of the best ways of keeping yourself well during winter is to stay warm .I would like to share some tips for keeping warm in cold winter day. Keep your body warm. It means dress warmly. Wear your warm clothing, especially when you out. Wear a warm hat and thick socks would be helpful to keeping warm in winter. What’ more, accessorized with a scarf, it would be warmer and more fashionable. Eating warming foods. Warming foods are also a good choice during wint... ...Read More>>
Monthly Archives: 十一月 2014
Thanksgiving Day – I am always in
Even only one day to experience Thanksgiving, but actually everyday is. In the morning, messages with “谢谢有你” (Thanks for You Are There) were in. Well, I forgot what the day it was. When I was learning Western History, Thanksgiving is a day I remember turkeys and families together. When I am older, I understand it as a day that you are better than what you are, or others. Complaining brings dark, but contenting bright. When you are eating a bread, some one hungers; when you are in the bus, some one is still struggling to get in; when it rains, you get an umbrella…you are better th... ...Read More>>
根据财政部、国家税务总局和工信部8月初联合发布的《关于免征新能源汽车车辆购置税的公告》,从今年9月1日起至2017年12月31日,新能源汽车将免征车辆购置税。29日下午,国家工信部正式发布了首批免征车辆购置税的新能源汽车车型目录。从国税部门获悉,消费者购置列入目录的新能源汽车将免征车辆购置税;购置时间为机动车销售统一发票(或有效凭证)上注明的日期。工信部根据目录确定免征车辆购置税的车辆,税务机关据此办理免税手续。 ... ...Read More>>
厌食原因 俗话说:“儿吃一口,娘喜心头。”可是就是有许多宝宝不肯吃饭,变得面黄肌瘦,不仅直接影响生长发育,而且造成抵抗力下降。同时有些还患反复的呼吸道感染而成为爸妈的一块心病,这种情况医学上称为厌食症。 宝宝厌食主要原因: 1.缺锌引起厌食。 a.唾液中的味觉素的组成成分之一是锌,锌缺乏时,会影响味觉和食欲; b.锌缺乏可影响味蕾的功能,使味觉功能减退; c.缺锌会导致黏膜增生和角化不全,使大量脱落的上皮细胞堵... ...Read More>>