India Increases GST to 18%

Government of India is consolidating its various indirect taxes into one consolidated Goods and Service Tax (GST) effective 1 July 2017. Customers shipping to / from India and who are located outside of India will be liable for a government regulated GST on certain services rendered locally within India. This tax will replace the earlier applied Indian service tax on local services. The application of the India GST will result in a tax of 18 percent* on both import and export service charges including local charges relating to terminal handling and inland haulage charges. This tax will replace... ...Read More>>


端午至,离骚情。重读经典,怀念一代文豪。 屈心而抑志兮,               我委屈着情怀,抑制着意气啊, 忍尤而攘诟。                    忍受着谴责,排遣着羞耻。 伏清白以死直兮,           抱定清白的节操为正义而死啊, 固前圣之所厚。               本是前代的圣人之所称许。 悔相道之不察兮,           后悔当初没有察看清楚我的道路啊, 延伫乎吾将反。                略为停顿我便要回头... ...Read More>>


FOB、CFR和CIF三种术语的换算: FOB价换算为其他价 CFR价= FOB价+国外运费 CIF价=( FOB价+国外运费)/ (1-投保加成×保险费率) CFR价换算为其他价 FOB价=CFR价- 国外运费 CIF价= CFR价 / (1-投保加成×保险费率) CIF价换算为其他价 FOB价=CIF价(1-投保加成×保险费率)-国外运费 CFR价= CIF价×(1-投保加成×保险费率) [caption id="attachment_4143" align="alignnone" width="300"] 术语图片[/caption] FCA、CPT和CIP三种术语的换算: FCA价换算为其他价 CPT价= FCA价+国外运费 CIP价=( FCA... ...Read More>>

人民币兑美元中间价报6.8856 上调33个基点 2017年3月23日

周一美元指数从低位反弹,全日涨0.01%,报100.3543。英镑兑美元从三周高位回落,因有消息称,英国首相特雷莎梅将于3月29日正式启动脱欧进程,开启为期两年的谈判。英镑兑美元跌0.31%,报1.2357。欧元兑美元跌0.02%,报1.0737。美元兑日元跌至一个月低位报112.48,跌幅为0.19%。 综合近期人民币对欧元汇率的显著走软以及对一篮子CFETS汇率指数的偏弱表现来看,在当前美联储加息落定的时间窗口上,市场各方和货币当局主动推涨人民币汇率的意愿可能明显... ...Read More>>


外贸函电常用缩略词: aap:always a pleasure令人愉快 aar:at any rate至少,无论如何 ab/abt:about关于 abt2:about to即将 acc:anyone can come谁都能来 ack:acknowledgement感谢,承认 adbb:all done,bye-bye好了,再见 add/adr:address地址 admin:administrator管理员 aeap:as early as possible尽快 afaic:as far as i’m concerned就我而言 afaik:as far as i know据我所知 afaiui:as far as i understand it就我的理解而言 afap:as far as possible尽量 ah:at home在家 aisb:as it should be应当 aisb:as i said before像我... ...Read More>>

Happy Lunar New Year 2017

China Lunar New Year: 1. New Couplets and Lanterns 2. Foods Preparation Dumplings with coin into. Noodles Others, such as fishes, all with good wishes. 3. Getting Together 4. Wearing New Dresses 5. Wish a Happy New Year 6. Red Envelopes 7. Firecrackers Surely, the custom is different from each province, city or county, but with a same wish of new start and best wishes in 2017. Long holiday is also a custom for all Chinese to get together. Chinatungsten staff will be off duty from Jan. 26 to Feb. 3. Any question during the holdiay, please leave a message by email of sales@chinatungste.... ...Read More>>


各国关税起征点,和增值税,关税的算法:  1)英国税率起征点:15英镑(22欧元) 关税起征点:135英镑 综合关税的组成:VAT(增值税) + DUTY(关税) +ADV (清关杂费) VAT = (货值(向海关申报) + 运费 +DUTY) DUTY (关税)= 货值 X 产品税率 2)澳洲起征点:1000澳币 综合关税的组成:DUTY + GST + ADV (清关杂费) GST = VAT(货值 (向海关申报) +运费 + DUTY)X 10 % DUTY = 货值 X 税率 3)美国起征点:200美金 综合关税的组成:DUTY (关税) + ADV (清关杂税) DUTY = 货值 X 税... ...Read More>>


欧美大事件 希拉里阵营就邮件调查向FBI局长施压,要求公布新发现详情 民主党总统候选人希拉里的高级助手周日愤怒谴责美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长科米,要求其迅速公开新发现细节。此前科米透露,FBI将调查新发现的与希拉里使用私人服务器有关的邮件。了解情况的消息人士周日称,科米可能并不完全掌握关于这些邮件内容的全部信息,因FBI并没有详细检查这些邮件内容的法律授权。 FBI再查希拉里邮件给美国政治带来新的不确定性,令美元兑欧元急... ...Read More>>