


屈心而抑志兮,               我委屈着情怀,抑制着意气啊,
忍尤而攘诟。                    忍受着谴责,排遣着羞耻。
伏清白以死直兮,           抱定清白的节操为正义而死啊,
固前圣之所厚。               本是前代的圣人之所称许。

悔相道之不察兮,           后悔当初没有察看清楚我的道路啊,
延伫乎吾将反。                略为停顿我便要回头。
回朕车以复路兮,           把我的车马掉转走回老路啊,
及行迷之未远。              趁着迷途还不算远赶快罢休。

步余马于兰皋兮,           让我的马儿在长满兰草的水边循徉啊,
驰椒丘且焉止息。            奔跑一阵后我们在椒丘上暂时休息。
进不入以离尤兮,            我不想再进前以遭受祸殃啊,
退将复脩吾初服。            我要退回故乡整理我的旧衣。

制芰荷以为衣兮,              我要把菱荷裁成上衣啊,
集芙蓉以为裳。                   把荷花编织成下裳。
不吾知其亦已兮,              没人知道我也就算了吧,
苟余情其信芳。                  只要我的内心是真正地芬芳。


I curb my will and check my heart, oh!
Endure reproach as well as blame.
I’d die to play a righteous part, oh!
The ancient sages would bear no shame.

Regretting I’ve gone a wrong way, oh!
I hesitate and will go back.
Before I go too far astray, oh!
I wheel my cab to former track.

I loose my horse by waterside, oh!
At Pepper Hill I take a rest.
I won’t advance to turn the tide, oh!
I will retire to mend my vest.

I’ll make a coat with lotus leaves, oh!
And patch my skirt with lilies white.
Unknown, I care not if it grieves, oh!
My heart will shed fragrance and light.


中钨团队则以发粽子的形式来表达此节日。Enjoy holiday!



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