
硬质合金具有很高的硬度、强度、耐磨性和耐腐蚀性,被誉为“工业牙齿”。硬质合金的硬度大于大部分已知的材料,而现实中的硬质合金却有千千万万种形状,球状、条状、板状….. 那这么硬的“牙齿”要如何变化出如此多的形状来呢?这主要是依靠粉末冶金成形工艺来实现的。常见粉末冶金成形工艺有模压压制、挤压压制、注射成形、等静压成形等成形方式,但随着时代的发展,也出现了如温压技术、高速压制技术、爆炸压制、动力磁性压制... ...Read More>>


 一、自2017年7月1日起,购买方为企业的,索取增值税普通发票时,应向销售方提供纳税人识别号或统一社会信用代码;销售方为其开具增值税普通发票时,应在“购买方纳税人识别号”栏填写购买方的纳税人识别号或统一社会信用代码。不符合规定的发票,不得作为税收凭证。包括公司、非公司制企业法人、企业分支机构、个人独资企业、合伙企业和其他企业。   二、销售方开具增值税发票时,发票内容应按照实际销售情况如实开具,不得根据... ...Read More>>

Comments on The Belt and Road Initiative

Here are some comments on The Belt and Road Initiative for your reference: The Belt and Road Initiative is not a modern version of the US Marshall Plan. Although China is promoting a series of bilateral and regional free trade agreements, its objective is not similar to the British Empire’s pre-World War II “Imperial Preference”, and is not to create a world market parallel to that led by the US. The Initiative will be connected with the Eurasian Economic Union. The Initiative, linking China to Eurasia and Europe, is not at all only about infrastructure, but also about soft power and adv... ...Read More>>