Three Main Smartphone Apps to Improve Your English

Almost everyone has smartphone, it seems everyone is glad to stay in touch with friends, take pictures of your adventures, find your way when you get lost, read the menu for a new restaurant and, certainly, shopping online. However, have you even known you can also improve your English ability with your smartphone? Here are some very useful Apps we would like to share with you: 1.Doulingo This free App is very popular, millions of people around the world use it to learn new language. It is a great way to build your English vocabulary and practice your grammar by playing fun, fast games. You ca... ...Read More>>

Comments on The Belt and Road Initiative

Here are some comments on The Belt and Road Initiative for your reference: The Belt and Road Initiative is not a modern version of the US Marshall Plan. Although China is promoting a series of bilateral and regional free trade agreements, its objective is not similar to the British Empire’s pre-World War II “Imperial Preference”, and is not to create a world market parallel to that led by the US. The Initiative will be connected with the Eurasian Economic Union. The Initiative, linking China to Eurasia and Europe, is not at all only about infrastructure, but also about soft power and adv... ...Read More>>

The Delayed Tungsten Frames

My delayed tungsten frame finally coming…ooh, ooh,,,ooooh… I received the tungsten frames yesterday, which have been delayed for more than 10 days. Yes, they are really in very small size, and will be difficult controlled with the smooth surface. Still remember last time, the tungsten frames i received are in a smaller size almost close to the min. data allowed. However, now I feel so much happy that there is no such problem, as the mould and machining have been both adjusted after my feedback. The only problem right now is the delivery delay, sincerely sorry about that and hope my client ... ...Read More>>

Tungsten Alloy Screw Got Stuck

Hi, everybody, it is the last day in Oct., how time flies. Today, I finally received my tungsten alloy screws, and felt so happy. However, while inspection, I found that there is one piece of tungsten alloy screw had the thread problem, you could see it in the following picture, and the gauge could not go through the screw smoothly, and the tungsten alloy screw got stuck. I had tried several times to try to move the gauge apart from the thread, but all failed. I was so much frustrated, and had no choice but to contact the workshop to rework it. In this way, delivery time may affect, then there... ...Read More>>

China’s Image Promoting

China’s image is steadily improving as the country ranks second in terms of influence in global affairs, just behind the US, according to the latest survey. It reported that China’s global image scoring 6.2 out of 10 points, or 0.3 higher than the previous years. That survey involved 9,500 respondents from 19 G20 member states. Also the survey found that respondents have a positive impression of Chinese as a whole, with most viewing them as hardworking and hospitable. The overseas respondents were positive about China’s future development, with nearly half believing its global influence ... ...Read More>>

Britons’ Referendum Affects Financial Market Greatly

The result for British voters elected to leave the European Union(EU) has been announced today, which will have far-reaching repercussions both domestically and internationally, and immediately plunged the 28-member political and economic union into its worst crisis since it was founded. The vote result was at times bitter and acrimonious. The Leave campaign, headed by former London Mayor Boris Johnson, took 51.9% of the vote to the 48.1% that the Remain campaign, headed by Prime Minister David Cameron. According to British Broadcasting Corporation, 72% of the electorate voted. The result had ... ...Read More>>

What is DF-ZF?

Here is a short passage to sharing the related knowledge about DF-ZF for you. DF-ZF,also known as WU-14, is type of hypersonic glide vehicle. Its high-speed maneuverable warhead tests were hold in Wuzhai Missile Test Center in Shanxi Province of China which is completed in the distance of about 250 miles southwest of Beijing (400 kilometers). The speed of the glider is flexible to satellite tracking, flying along the edge of the atmosphere, and finally to the impact areas in western China. It is said that DF-ZF hypersonic glide vehicle speeds up to Mach 5 to Mach 10, i.e. 6173 km to 12,359 k... ...Read More>>


区块链(Blockchain) 1.定义 本质上是一个去中心化的数据库,同时作为比特币的底层技术。区块链是一串使用密码学方法相关联产生的数据块,每一个数据块中包含了一次比特币网络交易的信息,用于验证其信息的有效性(防伪)和生成下一个区块。可以用区块链的一些领域可以是:智能合约,证券交易, 电子商务,物联网,社交通讯,文件存储,存在性证明,身份验证,股权众筹。 2.特征 去中心化 使用分布式核算和存储,不存在中心化的硬件或管... ...Read More>>


大家好晚上好~~~真抱歉,迟来的知识分享,上周一Dr. Hanns针对搜索引擎预算给大家进行了相关知识分享,现就主要的几种算法例举如下: 1.熊猫算法(Google Panda) 定义:熊猫算法,是Google公司2011年推出的一种反垃圾网站的搜索引擎算法,旨在降低低质量内容的网站排名的算法,同时也是Google的网页级别评判标准之一。 判断标准:点击流(Clickstream)、页面内容(page content)和链接概况(link profiles),只要在这三者当中表现优异,就不会被列为肤浅的... ...Read More>>

发改委判断今年企业破产倒闭增多 一线房价将短期大涨

房地产始终成为国内关注的焦点之一,结合目前经济发展现状,房价将面临相应的波动,尤其一线城市房价短期或将大涨,有关分析报道如下: 一、居民消费价格总体呈现低位温和上涨   当前,世界各国经济走势分化,总体走势不如预期。美国经济复苏势头减缓,新开工项目减少,制造业需求缺乏动力,制造业指数连续下滑;欧洲经济回调明显,去年四季度GDP环比有所下降,零售指数与进出口数据疲态尽显;日本核心CPI同比增速下滑,制造业、零... ...Read More>>