Last night, Hanns organized the whole staff of China tungsten to study the skills of playing tungsten alloy darts, which should have been held early this month. Afer hearing Hanns’ standard manners in playing darts, I was so speechless for my stupid and casual way of playing. As a manufacturer and supplier of tungsten products, China tungsten provided lots of clients with our professionally-made tungsten alloy darts. Compared with ordinary copper darts, our home-made tungsten alloy darts are more popular among clients. Having been directed by Hanns, the head of our ITD—handsome wu,... ...Read More>>
Daily Archives: 2013 年 7 月 30 日
北京时间15;28 好吧,终于完成了喷涂钼丝小网站的版本翻译,繁体、日语、韩语、法语、德语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、俄语还有土耳其语,共9个版本,126个页面,手指、脖子那个疆呀,酸呀~ 翻译接近半天的的喷涂钼丝,那就来说说是什么是喷涂钼丝吧! 从字面上意思可以理解成表面喷涂上了一层东西的钼丝,这层东西就是石墨,那拆除石墨后,它就呈金属光泽。 [caption id="attachment_385" align="aligncenter" width="354"] 喷涂钼丝[/caption] 那喷涂钼丝是怎么生产... ...Read More>>