Tungsten Applications

Tungsten’s many alloys have numerous applications, most notably in incandescent light bulb filaments, X-ray tubes (as both the filament and target), electrodes in TIG welding, superalloys, and radiation shielding. About half is used in the form of tungsten carbide, a durable carbon alloy. Tungsten’s hardness and high density give it military applications in penetrating projectiles. Tungsten compounds are also often used as industrial catalysts. Tungsten is the only metal from the third transition series that is known to occur in biomolecules, where it is used in a few species of ba... ...Read More>>


What’s Tungsten? Tungsten, also known as wolfram, is a chemical element with symbol W and atomic number 74. The word tungsten comes from the Swedish language tung sten directly translatable to heavy stone, though the name is volfram in Swedish to distinguish it from Scheelite, which in Swedish is alternatively named tungsten. A hard, rare metal under standard conditions when uncombined, tungsten is found naturally on Earth only in chemical compounds. It was identified as a new element in 1781, and first isolated as a metal in 1783. Its important ores include wolframite and scheelite. The fre... ...Read More>>


在传统穿甲弹中,在弹体中装有少量炸药及引信,弹丸头部虽然已经破裂,但是弹体依然具有强大的惯性,所以仍会继续前冲。当撞击力达到一定数值时,引信被触发点燃,就引起了弹丸装药的爆炸。这时,在每平方厘米面积上,可产生数十吨至数百吨的高压,从而杀伤坦克内的乘员、破坏武器装备。钨合金穿甲弹依靠膛内高温高压气体作用下,获得很大的初始动能,和坦克装甲来了个硬度的较量。在强大的应力作用下,装甲壁慢慢的凹陷最终破裂,... ...Read More>>


钨合金穿甲弹 钨合金穿甲弹是一种针对穿甲目标的弹药。19世纪60年代至20世纪50年代间,穿甲弹主要用于对付携带轻装甲的军舰。从20世纪20年代开始,穿甲弹用于对付坦克。 钨合金穿甲弹在穿甲的过程中,必须承受住与装甲板撞击时的超高撞击力。其弹头硬度高,形状为尖鼻状,弹壳内装有爆炸药。一些小口径的穿甲 弹,采用的是惰性炸药,由触发引信引爆,而不是采用高能爆炸药。由于当今的军舰很少使用装甲,所以钨合金穿甲弹很少用于海战中... ...Read More>>


钨合金穿甲弹芯属于高比重钨合金制品,密度大,热稳定性极好,断面密度大,有利于控制导弹高空飞行。和传统的穿甲弹相比钨合金穿甲弹并没有填充炸药而是改为钨合金弹芯,在击穿装甲之后,是依靠高速飞溅的装甲碎片和穿甲弹弹芯碎片杀伤装甲目标中的人员、破坏其中的装备。 传统穿甲弹中,在弹体中装有少量炸药及引信,弹丸头部虽然已经破裂,但是弹体依然具有强大的惯性,所以仍会继续前冲。当撞击力达到一定数值时,引信被触发 点... ...Read More>>


钨合金穿甲弹 钨合金穿甲弹依靠钨合金弹芯的动能来穿透装甲摧毁目标的炮弹。它初始速度高、直射距离大、射击精度高是坦克炮和反坦克炮的主要弹种。舰炮、海岸炮、高射炮和航空机关炮都配有该炮弹。可用于毁伤坦克、自行火炮、装甲车辆、舰艇等装甲目标以及飞机、直升机、汽车、火箭炮、导弹发射车、导弹运输车、指挥车、通信车、 雷达等非装甲金属结构技术兵器。也可用于破坏坚固防御工事。 传统穿甲弹中,在弹体中装有少量炸药及引... ...Read More>>