Stylish and Practical: Stainless Steel Ashtray

Stainless steel ashtray,  is beautiful and precious. But, it never has thought. The ashtray, without life, but seems alive, is not only practical, but can be collected as a work of art, adding some glory to your life. The practicability is embodied in life. Smokers put the ashtray on the coffee table; then flick a cigarette inside the body; and then stub out cigarette butt in its belly. While non-smokers put sunflower seed shells and throw the toothpick into the stomach of the ashtray as well. The ashtray is like a trash with small body, but looks noble. It prevents the ashes fly and butts t... ...Read More>>


2016牛津词典年度英文词汇 牛津词典2016年年度词最终确定是“Post-Truth”,即“后真相”。官方定义“后真相”的意思是指相比于客观事实,情绪和个人信仰更能够影响舆论。 其它入围词汇: All-right | 右倾、右翼 定义:名词,一种极端保守和反动的意识形态,特点是拒绝主流政治,并利用网络媒体传播有争议的内容” 这个词在2016年的使用大幅增长,尤其是在特朗普决定任命右翼代表人物史蒂夫•班农为白宫首席战略顾问之后。 Glass Cliff| 玻璃悬崖 ... ...Read More>>