
11月21日,世界首条新能源空铁试验线在成都正式投入运行,来围观下这个悬挂在空中的,长相酷似咱国宝熊猫的空铁,是不是觉得又萌又厉害呢~ [caption id="attachment_3658" align="alignnone" width="300"] 熊猫空铁图像[/caption] 据报道,这是世界首条新能源空铁,电池动力包为牵引动力的空中悬挂式轨道列车,是一款中国拥有完全自主知识产权的新型现代交通系统。 [caption id="attachment_3656" align="alignnone" width="300"] 熊猫空铁图像[/caption] 空铁全解码 以时速60公里“飞... ...Read More>>


回调就是反方向运行调整,是指在价格上涨趋势中,价格由于上涨速度太快,受到卖方打压而暂时回落的现象。回调幅度小于上涨幅度,回调后将恢复上涨趋势。 一般而言,大盘经过一段强势上扬后,市场对高位存在一定的忧虑,已获利的资金就开始撤出市场,由此导致了市场的下跌,而这就冲高回调。大盘股收到弱势的抛压后下跌,那些中小股由此抗跌较弱就作出更加剧烈的下挫。总体看来,股市好像终止了上升的阶段,但是,这种回调往往是大... ...Read More>>

Thanksgiving Day – Thanks for All

Yesterday is Thanksgiving Day in United States. But it also reminds us that everyone should with grateful heart thanks for all we have. Let us to learn what is Thanksgiving Day in Canada and the United States. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States. It was originally celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrati... ...Read More>>