Tungsten Carbide Twist Drills vs. Twist Building In Xiamen

Alright, It just suddenly occurred to me this morning when I saw this Twist Building again, even though I passed by it twice everyday.

According to the strange figure, our citizens always call it Twist Building, and U can imagine that easily: spiraling up straightly by the  central axis. This morning, I suffered from a heavy tracfic jam near this building, and it just reminds me of the tungsten carbide twist drills I delivered to my customers weeks ago. Here enclosed two comparing pics for you guys, and isn’t it quite vivid and figuratively?

We all know that Twist refers to the kind of snacks which are in the shape of letter S, and I can’t stop paying my respect to whom named the tungsten carbide twist drill. Our tungsten carbide twist drills are used for drilling hole, but what’s the implication of the twist building? Is it just for showing creation or anything else? Anyway, there must be a fabulous view over the top after its completion.



Twist-building in Xiamen

Twist-building in Xiamen


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