Have a nice day.Congratulations, my MoCu alloy products which contain Mo70Cu30 and Mo90Cu10 sheets and rods have been finished today, and I arranged the shipment a few minutes ago.
MoCu alloy is one of the molybdenum alloy products. It is also written as molybdenum copper alloy, MoxCuy (the “x”, “y” means the content of Mo and Cu), Mo-Cu alloy etc. In the all, molybdenum copper alloy is the most widely used.
Molybdenum copper alloy is made of molybdenum (Mo) and copper (Cu). It has excellent properties such as high electrically and thermal conductive, low coefficient of thermal expansion which can be adjusted, easy to be machined, non-magnetic, low gas content and good vacuum performance etc. as for the characters mentioned on above, Mo-Cu alloy is widely used in the following fields:
1. As contacts in the vacuum, the typical application is as vacuum opening contacts in the aerospace1;
2. As conductive radiating members, who can meet the requirements of high-power integrated circuits and microwave devices high conductivity, thermal conductivity properties, heat resistance, vacuum thermal expansion coefficient of performance etc;
3. As instrumentation components to meet the requirements of non-magnetic, fixed thermal expansion coefficient, high elastic modulus, high thermal and electricity conductivity etc;
4. Use as high temperature components of rockets and missiles;
5. Used as high-temperature electrodes.
Ok, that is all. Do you have any need of molybdenum copper alloy, such as molybdenum-copper sheet, rod, bar, block, disc, needle, plate, foil, ball etc? If yes, please feel free to contact Chinatungsten Online who is the professional manufacturer of tungsten and molybdenum products for more than 20 years. We can provide the different kinds Mo-Cu alloy for you, such as Mo50Cu50, Mo60Cu40, Mo70Cu30, Mo80Cu20, Mo90Cu10 etc.
Last pic’s fantastic, like ‘t very much!!