The Ninth Day on the First Month of the Lunar Year

Today is the ninth day on the first month of the Lunar Year, the Jade Emperor’s (commonly known as God) birthday. It is a festival in the southern region of Fujian province and Han folk of Taiwan Province. Local people attach great importance to this day, so it is excitement as much as New Year’s Eve. Close to this day, every household will clean house, make many food as offerings to pray, such as turtle cakes, etc. Before the festival, the evening of the eighth day of the Lunar, the whole family must keep wake to midnight. After 12 o’clock, each have lit firecrackers and fireworks, ... ...Read More>>


CAD培训过程无疑是最辛苦的。那段时间基本每天到家都是10点多,但收获确实很多,虽然考了两次才过。 在这次的培训之中,还是重点突出了“细心”的重要性。练习中的错误主要是以下几点:1. 尺寸线遗漏标注;2. 线型使用错误;3. 辅助线无删除;4. 线口无闭合。出现这些问题主要还是细心方面。通过这些经验教训,了解到即使一幅图很简单,你也不可以马虎大意。 学习虽然辛苦,但是习得而有成却是令人高兴。尝到一次果实的甜蜜,就会赋予你... ...Read More>>


今天是12月30日,转眼间又要跨年了。想起去年这个时候的我,还在学校的自习教室里复习,准备期末考试。记得那时候很冷,坐在人数不多的教室里显得更加冷飕飕。怕冷的我总是全面武装,除了衣物之外,在水杯里装满热腾腾的的开水也是必不可少的。 “砰,砰,砰” 和舍友在去打开水的途中,看见了烟花。绽放于夜空里的烟花,照亮了夜晚里昏暗的学校,同时也点亮了想家的一颗心。陆续有人在走廊上聚集,宁静的校园突然变得热闹起来。突然... ...Read More>>