听说苹果的产品还不错挺好用的,各方面性能都不错,确实是这样的。但是呢有一点是没有考虑到的,那就是你适不适应他自带的系统。当买电脑的时候很兴奋,当电脑到的时候发现一个问题,那就是电脑软件太难装了,顺便安装一个软件都需要序列号(俗称要钱),为了安装这些软件花费了大量的时间,软件的操作方式也不一样,两个字就是麻烦。普通电脑呢,不管是win7还是xp系统都比较省事,安装软件不用序列号,不用特殊的格式(系统)就可以... ...Read More>>
“屋漏偏逢连夜雨”,这个是我家最近几年来的最好阐述了。一连串的不好的事情一件接着一件,给我们这个农村的小家庭一个又一个的重重的打击。 现如今,我妈的治疗还在持续进行中,我爸只能没有去工作来照顾她,医院每天的费用上千,在没有劳动收入的情况下,能坚持多久我真的不敢去想。脑部感染的治疗又是漫长而效果不突出的过程,很是麻烦,还必须要等消炎后才能把管拿掉或是其他治疗,更可怕的是也可能钱花了还治不好,好担心!... ...Read More>>
Keeping Warm During Cold Winter Day
Winter is the most wonderful time of years, but being cold takes all the fun out of it! Whether you live in colder or warmer city, one of the best ways of keeping yourself well during winter is to stay warm .I would like to share some tips for keeping warm in cold winter day. Keep your body warm. It means dress warmly. Wear your warm clothing, especially when you out. Wear a warm hat and thick socks would be helpful to keeping warm in winter. What’ more, accessorized with a scarf, it would be warmer and more fashionable. Eating warming foods. Warming foods are also a good choice during wint... ...Read More>>
真是人有旦夕祸福,早上来上班的路上被一部小货车撞了。我骑着车在路上正常的行驶,谁知道半路出来一部小货车往逆行的方向驶来,我来不及刹车就整个撞到了货车车头。司机刚开始有下车看情况,过了一会他看我自行站起来了就以为我没事开着车就走了。我看了下自己的车,整个车头都坏了,而且人脸部及脚部都有擦伤,旁边的阿姨就告诉我说司机往前面的小道方向走了,我就一个劲的追车子去了。追了好一会才把司机追上,就直接坐上了他的... ...Read More>>
Forever Van Persie
Which TEAM are you rooting for? That may be the most popular greeting word when people meet each other since the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Since early June, there sparked a heated debate among the China tungsteners on which team will be the Champion of this year’s world cup, the host team, Spanish or Italian? Even they are busy with all the tungsten stuff, they still stayed up late at night to watch the live game on TVs, which definitely resulted in their nodding off during working time. But anyway, how could you blame them for such exciting moments. Even me, a pseudo-fans, can not ... ...Read More>>
去年的这个时候听同事说公司的睡莲开了,很激动的过去看,结果看到的却是睡着的睡莲。因为,看到同事手机拍回来的照片感觉很美,没看到有点遗憾!早上来上班的时候去了趟公司的健身房,居然被我看到了绽开的睡莲,很美! 睡莲,(拉丁学名:Nymphaea tetragona Georgi),又称子午莲、水芹花,是毛茛目睡莲科植物。多年生水生草本;根状茎肥厚。叶二型:浮水叶圆形或卵形,基部具弯缺,心形或箭形,常无出水叶;沉水叶薄膜质,脆弱。花大形... ...Read More>>
早上4点多就起床了,真是超级无敌的困哪~其实,并不是我睡醒了才起床,而是很不情愿的被孩子闹醒的。从昨天开始,他就可以自如的翻身,所以只要一躺着就自觉的翻过去,整个人趴着,头跟脚往上翘,那一幕真的让人觉得特好笑。可是,这个进步却让他半夜一醒来就翻身趴着,趴着趴着就越来越清醒干脆不睡觉了~最主要是他不睡觉还要我陪着不能睡,哎,那真是种折磨呀!虽是折磨,但是,孩子的每个进步都会让父母觉得特棒,特开心!还好中... ...Read More>>
Where Do You Want To Go?
Nice weekend Time flies~ today is Friday, the following two days is our resting day, and what are you going to do? In my plan, I will go back to Quanzhou which is my college location to have a party with my teachers and classmates. [caption id="attachment_1290" align="aligncenter" width="381"] Effiel Tower[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1292" align="aligncenter" width="381"] Taj Mahal[/caption] [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="411"] The Great Wall[/caption] [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="402"] Sydney Opera House[/caption] It has been near one year from my graduate date ... ...Read More>>
嗯,好久不见了, 亲们,下午好~ 今天呢,跟我们就来说说什么是硅钼棒? 硅钼棒呢,就是二硅化钼棒,其主要成分为高纯度的二硅化钼。二硅化钼特点如下: 1.极好的高温抗氧化性,抗氧化温度高达1600℃以上,与SiC相当; 2.有适中的密度(6.24g/cm3); 3.较低的热膨胀系数(8.1×10-6K-1); 4.良好的电热传导性; 5.较高的脆韧转变温度(1000℃)以下有陶瓷般的硬脆性,在1000℃以上呈金属般的软塑性。 由于具备以上特点,MoSi被广泛用作发热元件、集成电路、高... ...Read More>>
Pure Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy
Well, today, I get a good artical from the book which mainly introduce the differences between pure molybdenum, TZM alloy(titanium-zirconium-molybdenum), MHC alloy(molybdenum-hafnium-carbon), MLa alloy(molybdenum-lanthanum-alloy), MY alloy(molybdenum-yttrium-alloy), MW alloy(molybdenum-tungsten-alloy), MCu alloy(molybdenum-copper-alloy) in its content, properties and applications. By reading, I have a better understanding in their about them. Here, I am glad to share it with you. Content: Name Ingredients (%) W Ti Zr C La2O3 Y2O3 Hf Cu Mo TZM 0.40~0.55 0.06~0.12 0.01~0.04 0.... ...Read More>>