Export License 4 Dual-use Items and Technologies of PRC

For the sake of our tungsten and molybdenum parts and fittings’ export, Ms Lin come to the commercial department of Xiamen for the application of the export license for dual-use items and technologies of China. As we know, most of tugnsten and molybdenum parts, especialy nickle powder, tungsten powder and  high quality tungsten alloy  parts alwasy be used as military and defence industry,  so we have to apply the license for all of these items, the reason in the form of the application we given was Tungsten Parts for Missles”. Hope everything fine and all these documents withou... ...Read More>>

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Busy Monday of China Tungsten

The Monday’s coming of Chinatungsten Online! All of our staff are coming to our office and starting our new week’s work! Someone in the corner of the world waiting our tugnsten parts and fittings and someone expecting our service, we should pay all of our attention to the processing, the test, the packing, the documents and the shipment,  4 we all know evrything and every person is very important to our team and every one of our tungsten products is very important to our clients! but I have to say, there’s not everyone knows this point and do its work hard and carefully! Som... ...Read More>>

Mothers’ Day in China Tungsten

I left the little village of  Shandong, my home town for Xiamen so many years! As I was a boy, I do not know what’s the meaning of Mother just food and clothing As I was a young guy, I know nothing about Mother but I just know the woman who waiting me back everyday As I was a man who married , I know Mother  is the old woman who had been the grandmother of my boy Now, a man who am I have been not so young, I know the woman who lives in my home town has no more time to wait!   Mother means food and clothing, mother means menmory, mother means responsibility and Mother means everyt... ...Read More>>

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康乃馨,大部分代表了爱,魅力和尊敬之情,红色代表了爱和关怀。粉红色康乃馨传说是圣母玛利亚看到耶稣受到苦难留下伤心的泪水,眼泪掉下的地方就长出来康乃馨,因此粉红康乃馨成为了不朽的母爱的象征, 而在法国,康乃馨被视为不祥的花朵。 (盆栽康乃馨) 热情、魅力、使人柔弱的爱、真情、母亲我爱你、温馨的祝福、热爱着你、温馨、慈祥、不求代价的母爱、宽容、母亲之花、浓郁的亲情、女性之爱、亲情思念、清纯的爱慕之情、热恋... ...Read More>>

Tungsten Filaments for Electron Beam Gun & Evaporator

Tungsten Filaments for Electron Beam Guns and Electron Beam Evaporators  is one of our important pure tungsten products for electronic industrial except tungsten filaments for lighting industrial and LED. (Tungsten Electron Beam Evaporator & Tungsten Filaments) Where to buy tungsten filaments for electron beam guns Ms. Yu, who i called her Ms Tungsten last time,  Ms. Lee and our guys Zhang, Chen work over time last night for testing the tungsten filaments and give an exam before shipment, for the sake of getting the aireplane next Monday, they have to move the process fast and make it d... ...Read More>>

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Learning Team Of China Tungsten

Ms. Lee and other freshmen who join us this year will occupy our meeting room this weekend for learning something like “Keyword”. These girls and guys will talk about the meaning of Keyword in SEO of our company. For example, tungsten  will be the keyword of the homepage of one of our majore web site www.chinatungsten.com, which is the earliest web site in tungsten industry all over the world, and tungsten carbide, tungsten alloy should be the main keyword of the second layer of this site,  and also, tungsten carbide rod,tungsten alloy cube, etc., should be keywords of the 3rd la... ...Read More>>

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这几天发新闻,一直都是钨价上涨的各类消息,却迟迟不见报价的变化。一直到前天,黑钨精矿、白钨精矿终于在报价表(http://www.ctia.com.cn/baojia/ )上有了大幅上涨。今天,除了钨精矿,仲钨酸铵价格也随之上涨。 市场开始反思黄金的价值,贵金属价格随之大跌;在需求复苏不达预期的影响下,基本金属与大部分小金属价格出现下跌。预计5月金属价格上涨的空间不大。 目前钨市场涨势较好,但下游支撑力度不强,这不免让持货商对后市担忧。一是... ...Read More>>


今天,韩先生带回一盆康乃馨,这才真切的意识到母亲节要到来了。五月的第二个星期日,5月12日,即母亲节。我没有见过长在花盆里的康乃馨,它娇艳却不张扬,红的透彻。每次看到它,就想起了家。提前祝福天下母亲节日快乐! 照顾这些花花草草,既是我工作的内容,也是我工作的乐趣。对待植物和动物,我的态度永远都是把他们想象成有感受的人,它们也需要呵护。照顾它们,我学到了很多知识和技巧。 ... ...Read More>>


5月9日,国内迎来新成品油定价机制执行后的首次油价上调,自10日零时起汽柴油价格每吨均上调95元,折合每升分别上调为7分和8分钱。 专家表示,此次油价上调幅度较为温和,对物价影响不大。 同时,当前国际油价涨势乏力,高油价风险较小,国内输入性通胀压力并不明显。 新成品油定价机制遵循“十个工作日,该调就调”的原则,透明度明显加强,市场对调价时间窗口的把握也更加准确。另外,此次成品油调价幅度也基本符合预期。上次国内成... ...Read More>>


终于看了《致我们终将逝去的青春》。说句大言不惭的话,还没上映就知道会火,现在票房已经过了4亿。这样想的原因在于很多人怀念青春、怀念大学、怀念爱情,很多人有着对于现实和理想的困惑,有着对美好生活的向往,有着同样的文艺小资情怀。 电影是我喜欢的类型,拍的真切让人感动。死党说,太现实了!我却觉得,现实和理想是完全融合的,这就是生活最真实的部分。也因为真实,才会被感动。 其实我们正值青春,信念和梦想一直都在。... ...Read More>>