A Mirage of a Floating City in the Sky

Have everyone ever saw a mirage in you real life? I saw it when I was little, it was beatiful and fantasy which i can’t realized it is not real at the first time. And for me it was a wonderful memory. But I think maybe there are a lot of people never saw mirage before. Then you will happy to know that IFLScience brings us word that thousands of people in China this week reported seeing a large “floating city” in the sky that actually turned out to be a Fata Morgana, which is a rare type of mirage. Now i will share a little information about mirage.Mirages are real phenomena of atmosp... ...Read More>>


洛氏硬度检测原理: 洛氏硬度检测法采用120°金刚石圆锥或淬火钢球(规定直径的)作为压头,在初始检测力F0作用下,再加上主检测力F1,在总检测力F作用下,将压头压入试样表面。之后卸除主检测力,在保留初始检测力F0测量压痕深度残余增量e,100(或130)减去e值(e值以0.002mm为单位)即洛氏硬度值。 符号说明: 硬质合金硬度检测方法及步骤 1、采用HRA标尺 2、试样厚度不小于1.6mm,表面粗糙度Ra≤2um,对烧结状态试样表面磨去厚度不小于0.2mm。如... ...Read More>>


大家好~最近天气转凉哦~~记得注意保暖啦~~今天要跟大家一起回顾的是关于碳足迹的小知识,希望对大家有帮助。 Carbon Footprint,标示一个人或者团体的“碳耗用量”。“碳”,就是石油、煤炭、木材等由碳元素构成的自然资源。“碳”耗用得越多,导致地球暖化的元凶“二氧化碳”也制造得越多,“碳足迹”就越大;反之,“碳足迹”就越小。 A carbon footprint is historically defined as”the total set ofgreenhouse gas(GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event, product or... ...Read More>>