Keep Learning…

Hey, how are you, my dears, hope you have a fruitful working day ~~~ Here is good news I would like to share with you, that is, one of our colleague, Ms. Cristina, had an excellent performance during her working assessment on this Wed., which was appreciated a lot by Ms. Jonne and Dr. Hanns. No doubt, finally she gained the access to the position from sales assistance to assistant salesman directly. Let’s congratulations to her! During the assessment, she is required to explain and show the manufacture process of tungsten oxide powder both in Chinese and English, she acted by using blackboar... ...Read More>>

以爱的名义点燃希望 ——读《马背上的男孩有感》

“每个孩子都曾在孤独中挣扎,直到遇见你给的爱……” 这是英国作家路伯特·伊萨克森的《马背上的男孩》封面上的一句话,这句话犹如磁石,吸引我沉浸在这本书中。久久无法自拔。 《马背上的男孩》讲述的是一个看似平常,实则感人肺腑的真实故事。主人公路伯特的儿子若菀患有自闭症:无法自控的大小便、不会和人对话、突然爆发的坏脾气…… 现实生活中,每一个患有自闭症的孩子都会给家庭带来无法预料的困难,有的父母对这样的孩子束... ...Read More>>