实习心情:对于能够收获第一份工作,很高兴。老板很好,同事也很友好,因此就算是刚开始工作也不至于很紧张。值得一提的是,工作之后才发现平常在学校里面被惯坏了。最明显的是,在学校里面,虽然上课不允许迟到,但是由于惩罚力度不大,因此有点得过且过,迟到了也不会觉得是很大的过失,迟到现象屡见不鲜。而在公司,几乎不存在迟到现象,上班期间也不会有玩手机的现象。还有就是工作上的任务要求与在学校做作业的要求差别很大,... ...Read More>>
Monthly Archives: 七月 2017
1.Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome/C.H.A.O.S:恐惧邀请综合征 CHAOS refers to not inviting guests to one’s house because it is too messy or cluttered. “恐惧邀请综合征”指的就是因为家中不整洁,而不想邀请其他人来做客。 2.Flashpackers :奢华背包客 睡在拥挤的旅店,把所有行囊背在背上,尽管这对一些人来说很有乐趣,但还有一些背包客热衷于寻找奢华体验。 就像节约型游客一样,奢华背包客出国旅游时也没有旅行日程或者旅行社的引导,但他们随身携带手提电脑... ...Read More>>
今天是下雨天,天气阴沉。因为天气影响,走廊里的纯音乐此时此刻给我的感觉就像是,江湖上的恩怨未解,有一丝丝淡淡的愁感。但人还要up的!保持太阳般心情最重要。刚培训完怎么制作视频,刷新了大脑,人还是要学习的。 [caption id="attachment_4571" align="alignnone" width="300"] 阳光[/caption] ... ...Read More>>
[caption id="attachment_4554" align="alignnone" width="300"] 猫照片[/caption] 放一只萌宠猫醒醒脑,周一快乐。 ... ...Read More>>
百度推出飓风算法 严厉打击恶劣采集
就在上周五,百度推出了新算法 – 飓风算法,官方发布公告如下: “百度搜索于近日推出飓风算法,旨在严厉打击以恶劣采集为内容主要来源的网站,同时百度搜索将从索引库中彻底清除恶劣采集链接,给优质原创内容提供更多展示机会,促进搜索生态良性发展。 飓风算法会例行产出惩罚数据,同时会根据情况随时调整迭代,体现了百度搜索对恶劣采集的零容忍。优质原创站点如发现站点索引量大幅减少且流量大幅下滑现象,可在反馈中心进行... ...Read More>>
1. A real graceful lady, never shows off what she has. She would never tell people what books she has read, where she has been, how many clothes she has, or what jewelry she got. Because she has no sense of inferiority. 真正有气质的淑女,从不炫耀她所拥有的一切,她不告诉人她读过什么书,去过什么地方,有多少件衣服,买过什么珠宝,因为她没有自卑感。——《圆舞》 2. The grievances can be told is not real grievances; The lover can be stolen is not real a lover. 能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不... ...Read More>>
Three Main Smartphone Apps to Improve Your English
Almost everyone has smartphone, it seems everyone is glad to stay in touch with friends, take pictures of your adventures, find your way when you get lost, read the menu for a new restaurant and, certainly, shopping online. However, have you even known you can also improve your English ability with your smartphone? Here are some very useful Apps we would like to share with you: 1.Doulingo This free App is very popular, millions of people around the world use it to learn new language. It is a great way to build your English vocabulary and practice your grammar by playing fun, fast games. You ca... ...Read More>>