Indonesian’s Tungsten Carbide Blades

Well, I’ve spent most of the past few days in Chinatungsten’s inspection room, so sorry for my absence from our funny blog-zone, guys.∩_∩

Now my brain is in a total chaos, cuz I have dealt with several different tungsten carbide products, which includes tungsten carbide blades, tungsten carbide rods and tungsten carbide rings, etc. When I was testing the specifications of tungsten carbide blades, Hanns came in, and asked me where were those blades sent for. That was the regular question, so every time I would firstly ask Ashley for details and prepare for it beforehand[/sniggering]. However, our tungsten carbide products are sent to countries world-wide, such as Australia, Arab, Portugal and even Chili and Peru, so it’s really uneasy for me to distinguish them with their specific orders at the beginning. But it’s OK, I’m trying harder, Uh huh.


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Finally, our cutey tungsten carbide blades are sent to our dear indonesian clients. Hope you’re satisfied with our tungsten carbide blades, I know you will, just as usual.

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