Here Comes the Rob, Rob in China Tungsten!!

TODAY, a day can’t be too common, except it’s Monday—new start of another week! But it’s now not any more, for we’ve got “Rob” in Chinatungsten. Rob and his wife had been Hanns’ old friends since 1999(when it comes to this, I was wondering was Rob once worked here? Cuz Chinatungsten was founded 2 years earlier and once hired foreigners. Maybe he was in charge of my tungsten carbide, whose products were heavy enough to make him so strong./giggling). Of course I was wrong, indeed, they are both teachers and both in China & England. They came al... ...Read More>>

Pure Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy

Well, today, I get a good artical from the book which mainly introduce the differences between pure molybdenum, TZM alloy(titanium-zirconium-molybdenum), MHC alloy(molybdenum-hafnium-carbon), MLa alloy(molybdenum-lanthanum-alloy), MY alloy(molybdenum-yttrium-alloy), MW alloy(molybdenum-tungsten-alloy), MCu alloy(molybdenum-copper-alloy) in its content, properties and applications. By reading, I have a better understanding in their about them. Here, I am glad to share it with you. Content: Name Ingredients (%) W Ti Zr C La2O3 Y2O3 Hf Cu Mo TZM 0.40~0.55 0.06~0.12 0.01~0.04 0.... ...Read More>>

Big Bang in China Tungsten!

I still couldn’t figure it out that how could I miss the announcement of this Big Bang of us China tungsten! /Ashaming… Well, NOW here it is! About last week, China tungsten decided to play some youths’ noveties, therefore, our cutey wizard Mr. J applied for an account in Sina micro-blog, and to our surprise, it attracted hundreds of fans just in two days. I know weibo is no such a new deal for U maybe, but it really is for China tungsten, who devoted its past 16 years to creating tens of millions of webpages. Anyway, if you wanna catch the latest news about pure tungsten, tu... ...Read More>>

Indonesian’s Tungsten Carbide Blades

Well, I’ve spent most of the past few days in Chinatungsten’s inspection room, so sorry for my absence from our funny blog-zone, guys.∩_∩ Now my brain is in a total chaos, cuz I have dealt with several different tungsten carbide products, which includes tungsten carbide blades, tungsten carbide rods and tungsten carbide rings, etc. When I was testing the specifications of tungsten carbide blades, Hanns came in, and asked me where were those blades sent for. That was the regular question, so every time I would firstly ask Ashley for details and prepare for it beforehand[/snigger... ...Read More>>

TZM Alloy&TZC Alloy

Today,my colleague Sarah catches a calling from a costomer who want  TZC alloy products.  We suggest him to take its place by TZM alloy  for they have many similar properties and it is easier to be processed than TZC alloy. Now, let me have an brief introduction of  TZM alloy as follows: TZM alloy is  also called TZM molybdenum base alloy, molybdenum alloy TZM, molybdenum TZM, molybdenum high temperature TZM, titanium-zirconium- molybdenum. TZM  Alloy Chemical Formula: Mo + 0.40-0.55% Ti + 0.06-.012% Zr + 0.01-0.04% C [caption id="attachment_526" align="aligncenter" width="240"] T... ...Read More>>


北京时间2013年08月05日10:30 今天呢,有烧仙草吃,猜猜是中钨在线的那位童鞋请客的呢? 中钨在线科技有限公司实行“提倡低碳,节约为善”的管理理念,在公司员工行规范手册中的日常行为规范中有怎么一条:“所有的废旧物品、纸张在不违反保密原则的情况下,应尽量回收使用或出售”。那硬质合金产品因其产品本身较重,在流转过程中,包装盒易破损,为了增加其外包装的牢固性,避免产品在运输过程中受到破坏,保证顾客收到的产品是完好无... ...Read More>>


北京时间2013年08月05日09:30 早上,公司同事来货,主要是钼螺杆和钼螺母。 整理了一个早上的货,来几张照片给大家瞧瞧~ [caption id="attachment_482" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 钼螺母[/caption] [caption id="attachment_480" align="aligncenter" width="381"] 钼螺母-围城了一抖小钼螺母花哟~[/caption] [caption id="attachment_479" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 钼螺母-这个造型有木有很眼熟呢?[/caption] [caption id="attachment_478" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 钼螺母-凌乱美~[/caption] 钼螺杆-两种规格的... ...Read More>>


北京时间2013年08月02日18:00 今天是周五,意味着可以好好休息/好好玩的周末了即将到来了,想想就觉得开心。不过,这也就表示了一周又过去了,不免要感概下时间过的太快了~ 天气预报说:这个周末是下雨天,好吧,那就好好呆宿舍睡懒觉,再看看书,多学学一些关于钨、钼、稀土之类的知识,还是很惬意的呢! [caption id="attachment_458" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 可以外出看看风景哟~[/caption] [caption id="attachment_460" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 自然[/caption] [ca... ...Read More>>


北京时间2013年8月2日08:15 早安,中钨在线的同志们! 早上很早就被雨吵醒了,貌似厦门有那么些日子没有下雨了,这一下还真不得了,哗哗地一直下,不过凉快了好多的 呢!还是要感谢下雨神的说(PS.要崇尚科学,远离迷信  O(∩_∩)O哈哈~) 下雨天,早上最怕的是什么呢?我觉得是挤公交吧,因为下雨天不方便,还要打伞,人又好多,一不小心就会迟到的,所以,下雨天的时候要记得早点起床搭公交哦,不对,应该是挤公交的呢! [caption id="attachment... ...Read More>>

The Final Tungsten Carbide Nozzles

Today we finally got the last batch of 10 tungsten carbide nozzles. We always merely see the beauty of tungsten carbide nozzle, but seldomly think about the difficulty in manufacturing them. If you have seen the mirror-like inner wall, you must have known well. I happened to have the chance of experiencing it. Of course, I didn’t mean that I produced it personally. About a month ago, we received an order of 30 tungsten carbide nozzles, because of the complex machining process, little cracks are easily found inside the tungsten carbide nozzles(as listes below). That was really upsetting. ... ...Read More>>