The Christmas of Chinatungsten

The Christmas has came with the cold weather. Although it’s a western holiday, many Chinese enjoy it and would celebrate this holiday. During my college, we send apples to our friends in Christmas Eve and have a Christmas party with our classmate and teachers. We learn the Christmas song from our foreign language teacher.I still remember the song, We wish your merry Christmas,… We wish you Merry Christmas and happy new year. This year, I spend the Christmas with our Chinatungsten colleague.We have a big western dinner at Hanns’ home, our cutely colleague prepared the salad, Hanns coo... ...Read More>>


2014年12月26日,  星期五  阴 时间过得好快,转眼十二月,转眼2014年接近尾声,2015已经在来的路上。对于本命年亦称之为犯太岁的2014年,说不上大起大落,但生活中,总还是穿插了些许柴米油盐的起起落落,生性寡淡,话说不清楚的时候,全交给手中的这杯酒,把感叹,唠嗑都晕开在酒香的弥漫里,一举杯,祝大家幸福万年长。 2014年初的时候去了西北的一个城市,年近尾声的时候去了一趟西南:彩云之南。有人说:身体和灵魂总有一个要在路上,... ...Read More>>


每个地方都会存在些让人感动的事,就像冬日里的阳光直射人的心里,无限温暖。 冬天的清晨,走在软件园的那直直的松柏路上,南方就是这点好,即使冬天,绿叶依旧。公司楼下,环卫叔叔骑着三轮从远处过来,老远就听到三轮车咯吱咯吱的声音。或许我们忽略了了这种声音,因为我们或是插着耳机,或是总在想着一些复杂事情。谁会去在意,又有谁微笑着转过头去瞧瞧。但是,软件园的一只白色的流浪猫却每天竖着耳朵在等待这声音的临近,然... ...Read More>>