Nice Business Trip!

Well, we always try to get ourselves busy, so as to make us feel substantial. For me, apart from dealing with all the tungsten carbide biz in the office, I have to confess that, going for business trips and paying visits to our customers make our days more enrich. I have just been back from the three-day’s business trip to some of our tungsten carbide and molybdenum customers with Hanns and Joanne yesterday. We did not often go for these trips because of our busy production schedule and daily stuff, but after all, customers have the invitation and needs, of course we would go, no matter ... ...Read More>>

Getting Discs Right on the Dot!!!

Today, by the end of August, we finally get another batches of tungsten carbide discs finished right on dot. Just like other manufacturers, we always adhered to the tenet that Customers First! So most of the time, when they asked for sooner delivery time, we would try our best to meet it, and in most cases, we did make it. You see, today our workers finally get those tungsten carbide discs finished just before the deadline, and that was really quite a relief…Well done, guys!!! [caption id="attachment_1670" align="aligncenter" width="300"] CTOMS’-tungsten-carbide-disc[/caption] &nbs... ...Read More>>


许多年轻父母都清楚地记得:第一次带宝宝去医院的时间,往往是在孩子出生后的第6、7个月。各大医院的婴幼儿就诊记录也显示,宝宝生病的高峰期,大多集中在6个月~3岁这个年龄段。究竟是什么原因,让这么多出生时接近“10分”的健康宝宝,6个月后的体质突然发生了180度的大转变,出现了健康大跳水? 婴幼儿营养专家的解释给了我们科学的答案:宝宝6个月后,从母体获得的免疫球蛋白和其他营养物质逐步消耗殆尽,他们自身的免疫系统又尚未... ...Read More>>