Last Day of 2015

Nothing special today, but it’s a special day. Looking back to the past 2015, these important events deserve to be kept in mind: 1.2015.3.3  National Two Meetings was held in Beijing. “Internet Plus” was first put forward by Prime minister Li. 2.2015.4.6  PX project exploded once again in Fujian. 3.2015.6.15  Share A starts to slump. 4.2015.8.12 Severe Explosion in Tianjin. 5.2015.9.3 Military parade for the 70th anniversary of  Anti-Japanese War Victory 6.2015.11.7 Historic meeting of Chairman Xi and Ma Yingjiu in Singapore. 7.2015.12.1 RMB is included into SDR and bec... ...Read More>>

Thanksgiving Day

其实每一天都应该怀着感恩的心去度过。 “Today I woke up, I am alive, I am healthy, Thank you!” 感恩节的由来: 美国庆祝感恩节的传统可以追溯到历史中那艘著名的“五月花号”。1620年9月,受英国国教迫害的清教徒著名领袖布雷德福召集了102名同伴,登上了名为“五月花号”的木制帆船。他们怀着美好的憧憬,开始了哥伦布式的冒险航行。他们最终到达了美洲大陆,并将这片新土地命名为“新英格兰”。 但新生活并不美好,从大西洋上吹来的凛冽寒... ...Read More>>


跟大家分享一些鲜为人知的历史照片,透过照片还原那个时期的真实情景。有些照片发人深省。 1.你以为用打火机点燃香烟是最酷的吗?德国士兵在战争期间,用火焰喷射器为战友点烟,这应该是最酷炫的吧。 2.在电脑没有发明之前,美国宇航局(NASA)的雇员们的计算方式可谓让人大开眼界。   3.1922年,魏玛共和国的孩子在玩“叠金钱”的游戏,因为该共和国发生了恶性的通货膨胀。   4.1945年,盟军一些士兵在模仿希特勒的动作习惯,引发... ...Read More>>

Would You Like Something to Drinnnnnnnk?

As a coffeeholic,  I would like to share some common sense about coffee with you. Coffee, to put it simply, it’s a kind of drink. Its trade volume every year is second to petroleum which is far more popular than tea all over the world. Coffee is mainly produced in Central Africa, East Africa, Middle East, India, South Asia, Pacific Region, Latin America and Caribbean Region where the weather in these area is the most suitable for the growth of coffee bean. Some Coffee Tasting Terms: Flavor[风味],which means the total impression of aroma, acidity, bitter, sweetness and body about coffee.... ...Read More>>


从高中起,东野圭吾就是我最喜欢的作家之一,尤其是他的一系列推理小说如《白夜行》、《嫌疑人X的献身》等等。《解忧杂货店》是他第一本非推理类小说,读来很暖心。 “有时伤害,有时相助,人们总是在最不经意的时刻与他人的人生紧密相连”。 解忧杂货店是因杂货店老板浪矢老爷爷为来信者解忧排难而闻名。一开始收到的只是孩子的恶作剧问题,可是老爷爷仍然用心回复。他说“不管是骚扰还是恶作剧,写这些信给浪矢杂货店的人,和普通... ...Read More>>

Wake up, dress up, show up and never give up.

此篇文章献给爱跑步或者看完也许会爱上跑步的你。 跑步是最简单,所有运动项目中最不受限制的有氧运动,一双跑鞋,空旷的道路,愉悦的心情,随时都可以上路。 跑步的习惯断断续续坚持了三年,从一开始只是为了减脂,到现在真正成为一种兴趣爱好,如同穿衣吃饭工作学习,it‘s a part of my life. 跑步和读书一样是最美的。三毛说:“读书多了,容颜自然改变,许多时候,自己可能以为许多看过的书籍都成为过眼云烟,不复记忆,其实它们仍是... ...Read More>>

Secret Garden

The coloring  book <secret garden> is soooo popular recently and many people say it can release pressure, so out of curiosity, I also have a try on it. It is really interesting because for the same page, every person may have different thought of color combination, so every painting will be unique. Sometimes when you feel frustrated or angry, slow down a little bit, complaint will only make it worse. Attitude can change everything.                                              ... ...Read More>>

How to Say It

Recently I read a book <How to Say it>. This book covers almost every common used topic that we may need to write a letter or an email in our daily life and work. Although communication via phone and many software take a large part in information exchange, letter and email is more formal  which remains a staple of business success and also an effective way to express your feeling and emotion. Just like speaking, writing is also a kind of art. As we know that information sent out by voice can easily be forgotten, however, once the letter is sent out, it can not be changed. As a result, n... ...Read More>>