
国际劳动妇女节(International Working Women’s Day)是为了庆祝妇女在经济、政治和社会等领域做出的重要贡献和取得的巨大成就而设立的节日。而公司为了响应这个重要的节日,组织了农家乐活动。在公司的组织下,我们一行人到了翔安香山赏花,体验农家乐和美食,度过了欢乐而悠闲的下午。一整个下午都是愉悦欢快的,到处充满了轻快的话语和笑声,像山间的歌谣,此起彼落,气氛与公司上班时形成了强烈对比,一下子柔和了许多。 以前一提到... ...Read More>>


随着iPhone7概念机的曝光,人们对iPhone7的关注也直线上升。苹果官方称将推出5.5英寸屏幕、3GB内存、1400万像素、256GB和3100mAh电池容量的iPhone 7 版本。此外iPhone7还可能具有3D触控技术、柔性显示屏、以及防水和快速无线充电等众多炫酷技术。 蓝宝石在iPhone6/6s上的应用主要是Home键,随着苹果公司对蓝宝石应用技术的研究,显示该公司正在策划全新的蓝宝石屏幕技术,据市场推测,此次iPhone7手机屏幕将有可能采用蓝宝石屏。蓝宝石晶体的化学成分是氧化... ...Read More>>


《把信送给加西亚》读完之后刚开始感受到的可能跟大家是一样的,例如做事要有罗文那样的执行力,魄力,胆识,具备麦金莱总统那样的战略大局观,瓦格纳上校的慧眼识英雄,美西战争这样的乱世机遇等等成功者需要的品质与条件。但是后面想到的是这个浮躁的时代或者说在中国这样的国家,成功者或者说有成就之人的背后的一种深入骨髓的孤独感。 孤单与孤独,被赋予不同的色彩,前者是一个人的寂寞,只是一种情感的抒发与宣泄,可能找一... ...Read More>>


2015年即将结束,在这一年中我的生活发生了很多的改变,从莘莘学子变成了社会中的一员,加入了社会,参加了工作,为此自己将做一个简短的总结,希望自己在新的一年有新的气象。在厦门中钨工作的这半年中我的生活改变了许多,没有寒暑假期,不能肆意的旷课,而且工作成绩与水平也不再是60分及格。一开始觉得很吃力,也会怀疑自己,但是默默的坚持了下来才发现自己也可以做得到。工作的这半年我学会了许多,从工作技能、社交和思想上,... ...Read More>>


在参观工厂前,我对产品的生产流程的理解仅仅是根据文字的描述加上自己脑海中的想象形成的。但是参观完工厂后,一些生产流程在我的脑海中变得具体和丰富,对今后的工作是有一定好处的。另外,工厂虽然没有制备钼产品,但是钼的生产工序大抵与钨相似,所以了解钨相关产品的生产流程对于了解钼产品的生产流程并无冲突,同时能更好了解公司所经营的钨钼产品。 在经过舟车劳顿之后,我们到达了工厂,开始了今天的工作和任务。首先参... ...Read More>>

A Mirage of a Floating City in the Sky

Have everyone ever saw a mirage in you real life? I saw it when I was little, it was beatiful and fantasy which i can’t realized it is not real at the first time. And for me it was a wonderful memory. But I think maybe there are a lot of people never saw mirage before. Then you will happy to know that IFLScience brings us word that thousands of people in China this week reported seeing a large “floating city” in the sky that actually turned out to be a Fata Morgana, which is a rare type of mirage. Now i will share a little information about mirage.Mirages are real phenomena of atmosp... ...Read More>>

A Family’s Day with Tungsten

In the early day, our company in order to let us familiar with our product which we can fit into our works quickly then asks us to read a story called A Family’s Day with Tungsten. For some reason I didn’t read until these day. This story was easy to understand and interesting as well. As we know metal tungsten is kind of a boring things but it connect with our daily closely, followed this story not only I can more understand our product. And I also got some information which I didn’t know before, but important to our life. This story follows by a family’s day. Firstly, in father’ da... ...Read More>>

How to pick up customers phone call?

Last week we got training about how to right an e-mail and how to make a phone to customers call or pick up a phone from customers, which gave me a lot of benefit. By the way, this month, I readied a book called Applied English for Receptions. In this book it also refers to how to make a phone call with customers. So when I finished the training and also this book, I think it is necessary to make a sum up because it will give us a lot of help in our working life. Firstly, when you pick up the phone the customer only can hear you voice so you must make you sound polite and pleasant. We should k... ...Read More>>


我一直很奉行一句话“working hard, playing hard”,工作的时候要全身心投入,等到工作完成离开公司就要开始享受自己的生活,陪陪家人和朋友,看看书充实自己或者趁着长假去旅行。因为只有这样才不会觉得自己的一生都是为了工作而活,不会把自己的疲惫怪罪在工作上。最近读了一本书,里面提到欧美国家与日本截然不同的生活方式和工作氛围,我想每个人看到这个章节的时候都会深刻反思下自己“我有好好享受我自己的生活和工作吗?”。其中的... ...Read More>>