
  今天培训中国钨的历史,对于愤青这一个词语,在我的理解之中更多的还是对中国利益的流失,以及个人能力的渺小。在近百年的中国历史之中,钨矿也是一个很好的代表,从一开始只能作为矿石出口,这跟大量的中国人被运往欧洲与美洲何其的相似。新中国成立之后,百废待兴,钨矿才收归国有,得到了统一的管理。改革开放之后,中国的经济开始复苏,钨矿的新技术也在九十年代从国外进入国内,国外几百年的技术积累,中国人从消除文盲... ...Read More>>


伴随着接触的文案写作越多,就越来越觉得写钨的文案很难。与之前的写作方式完全不同,套路也不同,但相对而言,它跟写小说一样都有套路。如何套用这一些套路,是我接下来所要面临的问题。 目前我所暴露的问题,主要如下: 第一,  写作完成之后需要整理通顺。 第二,  专业知识性不够,却妄图用自己百度而来的知识拼凑出一篇极具专业性的文章。 第三,  图片处理问题上困难重重。 下一周将会面临更大的挑战,我会尽自己最大的努力,... ...Read More>>


上班日志3   今天尝试了一下,用比较外行人看待钨的角度来书写文案,果然速度就会快上不少。但问题也很明显,就是过于天马行空,对于真正科普性的文章来说还有很大的进步空间。想要真正的学会并掌握科普性文章的写作方式,还有很长的路要走。 如何抽茧剥丝的寻找话题进行写作,恐怕还是与我的写作思路有关,要转变自己的写作思路以及写作习惯,才能符合在中钨在线的写作文案。不过这倒是蛮符合我目前的身份——钨菜鸟。用自己学... ...Read More>>


一个周末过去了,感觉时间真的是太快过了。阅读奥利弗•萨克斯的《钨舅舅》一书,让我不得不感慨基础科学教育的重要性,相比于老牌英国,我们在基础科学教育方面还是非常落后。一边阅读此书,一边回想起来我小时候与作者一样,小学时候的我喜欢呆在新华书店里面读书,不分种类、来者不拒。上了中学之后,更是将课外书视为珍宝,将课内书视为洪水猛兽。 不知道什么时候,我已经不再阅读纸质书籍,对于知识的获取是片面的,不再是系... ...Read More>>


  在南方阴雨连绵的日子里,并不太容易让人高兴起来,我坐在公交车里,看着窗外来来往往的人群,想象未来我上班的日子会是什么样的。未来要上班的地方与我年纪一样大,甚至月份都是一样的,或许这是是缘分吧。 初入社会这一些年,我越来越相信缘分了。曾经非常珍惜、非常舍不得的同事会随着时间变得陌生,直到某一天某一个时刻,才会想起曾经一起工作一起畅想未来的美好时光。公交车上的孩子们喧闹着下了车,我的思绪也被拉了回来... ...Read More>>

Work Diary of China Tungsten Online-7

As usual, we had a regular meeting on the Monday morning. At the meeting, we looked back on the last week’s work, plan the work of this work and discuss the latest international and domestic news with each other. Dr. Hanns gave me some valuable suggestions on the work, which encourages me to do better in the following days. In the face of our work, no matter how difficult or complex it may be, we are supposed to complete it in time. During this process, we cannot regard the unfinished work as have-to-do stuffs. Instead, we should view it as a test of our ability and a challenge of ourselves.... ...Read More>>

Work Diary of China Tungsten Online-6

Today is the tenth day since I became an intern in the company. During these days, I have had more acquaintance with the company and the job I applied for. Retrospectively, first impression of the company was about its clean working environment. Every office room in the company had its particular function. Some members may refer to books in the library while others plan to do some sports in the exercise room. There was nothing extra unnecessary things put on the desk while every document was put in order on the computer. Staring at the green plant on the desk, I forgot the tiresome stuffs and ... ...Read More>>

Work Diary of China Tungsten Online-5

I have met some puzzles during these days of learning in the company. One of the noticeable problems is the processing of images. With the suggestions of Dr. Hanns and the instruction of Yahong and Bingcan, I have made some progress in it successfully. What is my poor processing of images? And how can I improve my processing of images? The images have inappropriate size, which leads to a bad visual effect on the page. Usually, the images are suggested to be 710px:426px, which means more left and right margins and less up and down margins. It helps to make good use of the page space and provide... ...Read More>>

Work Diary of China Tungsten Online-4

It is Monday today that all members of the company participated in the morning regular meeting. At the meeting, Dr. Hanns summarized the work of the previous week and arranged to-be-done stuffs in this week for members. In my view of point, the fixed meeting in the Monday morning is so extremely significant that all of us are supposed to treat it serious. It reminds us of our deficiencies or improvements in the work of the last week, enhances the interactions between all the company members and encourages us to have confidence in our following work. In a word, it is a benign exchange of fresh ... ...Read More>>

Work Diary of China Tungsten Online-3

As usual, I had a discussion with Dr.Hanns in the meeting room today. The whole discussion focused on the topic of search engine. If I can appreciate and absorb the content of meeting today, maybe I will have a correct and efficient usage of search engine and then have more fresh ideas of my writing’s improvement and the articles’ polishment. What’s search engine? It’s a retrieval technology that accesses the varied information from the Internet according to the users’ demands, which helps the users catch the required information fast, have a deepen information mining and then gain a... ...Read More>>