Impressions of《解密无印良品》

These days, I spared my time to enjoying study a useful book named 《解密无印良品》recommended by Dr. Hanns, and just deeply touched by some views in that book, and my thoughts are complete charged unconsciously in some degree. This is a book stated that how a enterprise to do its sales management and sales promotion effectively, which are understood easily by citing some vivid examples and implements from the band of 无印良品. Here I would like to share some impressions combined to my own experiences: 1.Working schedule is the most important before action. If you do not have a cle... ...Read More>>

Happy Birthday to Ms. Ashley

In the coffee time this morning, the familiar Birthday Song was heard. You may be curious: Is today someone’s birthday? Yep, it is Ms. Ashley’s birthday. We gathered in the meeting room, and were singing Birthday Song for her together. Ms. Ashley was making wishes then, sincerely hope her wished would come true. I like Ms. Ashley’s big smile. After that, we shared the birthday cake together. Again, here, in Chinatungsten, I feel deeply that we are a whole united family, and Chinatungsten is always trying to make everybody feelings of family warmth. Thanks so much. Happy birthday, dear Ms... ...Read More>>

Secret Garden

The coloring  book <secret garden> is soooo popular recently and many people say it can release pressure, so out of curiosity, I also have a try on it. It is really interesting because for the same page, every person may have different thought of color combination, so every painting will be unique. Sometimes when you feel frustrated or angry, slow down a little bit, complaint will only make it worse. Attitude can change everything.                                              ... ...Read More>>

How to Say It

Recently I read a book <How to Say it>. This book covers almost every common used topic that we may need to write a letter or an email in our daily life and work. Although communication via phone and many software take a large part in information exchange, letter and email is more formal  which remains a staple of business success and also an effective way to express your feeling and emotion. Just like speaking, writing is also a kind of art. As we know that information sent out by voice can easily be forgotten, however, once the letter is sent out, it can not be changed. As a result, n... ...Read More>>


《玩转微信营销实战手册》这本书我看完了,感觉还不错吧。这本书强调适合微信营销的用户群是年轻人,因为年轻人使用微信的比例和频率都是最多的。它主要介绍了如何通过线上线下活动和微信基本功能来寻找客户增加粉丝,当粉丝达到一定量的时候,我们又该如何去分类了解客户,分类推送针对性营销信息,内容为王锁住客户,更强调了微信互动的重要性,即从机械的自动回复转为人工客服的个性化回复,以此来留住客户,促进成交率。 通过... ...Read More>>


这周真是折腾!应该是上火的缘故吧,牙疼了一周!在孕期的特殊时期内,牙疼真是要命,不能吃药止痛,还好后来慢慢的只是隐隐作痛,但也是够我受的了。俗话说,牙疼不是病,疼起来真要命!说的不虚,牙疼的难受相信很多人都有经历过吧,一疼起来真是让人痛苦不堪啊,真的想一棒子把自个儿打晕的冲动! 牙疼的原因,让我食欲下降,吃都是件痛苦的事情了!后来跟婆婆说了,她说应该是胎火大,就是火气比较大的缘故,让我每天要喝下绿... ...Read More>>